"I think trusting is the most obvious form, because what's the point of sending someone an item to have them send it back. It's pointless." -ArcticpenguinII "I would say that the 'trade me I always say no' scam is the stupidest, because why would you bother trading if the person is just going to say no to your trade?" -ShadowclawXX

Warrior Tribe

Congratulations! You made it into the Warrior Tribe! You guys love the Warrior Cats series, and have all of the books in the series + the guide books and manga on shelves, with 3 of each one! You guys tend to like reading books in general, and work well together in a group like a clan. You guys give each other warrior cat code names to use (Ex: Goldcobra=Snowstep).


  1. Merherher.. How do you join a tribe?

    1. Well, first you have to join. Then, you take the quiz to find out what tribe you're in. The link can be found on the tribe central page. Lastly, you just comment which tribe you got. The end, you're sorted. :P


No impersonating, respect others' opinions, don't be mean, don't swear or comment other non-kid-friendly things, and don't spam. Last but not least, don't be a reason for me to add more things to the list, okay?