"I think trusting is the most obvious form, because what's the point of sending someone an item to have them send it back. It's pointless." -ArcticpenguinII "I would say that the 'trade me I always say no' scam is the stupidest, because why would you bother trading if the person is just going to say no to your trade?" -ShadowclawXX

Friday, May 22, 2015


 Sorry for this guy's player card not looking like his animal saying "gift me blah blah blah," my computer at my mom's house loads stuff slowly sometimes. (Which is why there's an invisible jammer over there. <<). I asked him, "Why not trade?" And he said "NO."

This person was doing the same thing: "gift me and see what u get back." I bet she was either copying the first scammer, or is an alt account. Sorry I don't have proof for this one, she ran off after I said, "Why not use the trading system?"
