"I think trusting is the most obvious form, because what's the point of sending someone an item to have them send it back. It's pointless." -ArcticpenguinII "I would say that the 'trade me I always say no' scam is the stupidest, because why would you bother trading if the person is just going to say no to your trade?" -ShadowclawXX

Dark Tribe

Congratulations! You made it into the Dark Tribe! People in this tribe tend to be quiet, mysterious, loners, or book-lovers. You don't need the daytime- You would much rather be nocturnal. The stars in the sky look so lovely! You can fade into the shadows unnoticed. Your tribe also likes to study up on phantoms, so there are multiple real phantom objects set up on tables around your tribe's hut. In the middle of your hut lies a large stone statue of Greely. Rumor has it that the statue holds real phantom magic within it, through that may or may not be true.

Emblem: (Picture)
Leader: Goldcobra
Guardian Shaman: Greely the Wolf
Motto:  "We are just like mysteries. Some mysteries can be scary at first, but just need to be uncovered. The real question is, however, will you be the one to uncover and discover us?"
Known For: Excessive amounts of knowledge on phantoms; Hiding in the shadows and mystery
Member Count: 1
Tribe Hut: The whole atmosphere is dark, with most corners of the room harboring large shadows. There are more tables with fresh/live phantom-related objects (phantom pods, phantom goo, caged phantoms, etc.) than there are items for relaxing, such as couches. They also may or may not have a private science lab, huehuehue.



  1. If I'm the only member, can I be leader? I'm really mysterious. And the member count still says 0

    1. Sure! I might as well start considering that more, asking for people to become leaders of tribes.

      And sorry for the 0 member count, I'll fix that.


No impersonating, respect others' opinions, don't be mean, don't swear or comment other non-kid-friendly things, and don't spam. Last but not least, don't be a reason for me to add more things to the list, okay?