"I think trusting is the most obvious form, because what's the point of sending someone an item to have them send it back. It's pointless." -ArcticpenguinII "I would say that the 'trade me I always say no' scam is the stupidest, because why would you bother trading if the person is just going to say no to your trade?" -ShadowclawXX

Court System

So this is our "court system." When we are hosting court for a member of P.R.I.S.M. who we think should be fired, we use this system to help us make decisions. It helps us know how trustworthy and honorable the person is, but we don't just look at it and say "lol so this person ended up with an 8 they're automatically fired." Of course we don't do that, because there are always complications involved.

Here's how it works:

When using the system, the person who is in trouble will start with 20 points. For each bad thing they did, it takes away points. Depending on how many points they have left, it may influence our decision if to fire them or not.

Things That Minus Points:
-Scamming (-2 for each scam)
-Lying (-1 for each lie)
-Bullying (-2 for each bullying incident)
-Hacking (-20. This should get you automatically fired.)
-Other actions considered "bad" (Minus of points will depend on the situation)

^^ Suggestions to the list above would be greatly appreciated! ^^

Ranking of Total Points:
19-20 = Excellent.
16-18 = Hmm. Not looking the best.
12-15 = Yikes. How many things did you even do?
8-11 = You're appearing pretty darn guilty.
3-7 = Why are you even in P.R.I.S.M.?!
0-2 = GET OUT

The list above may vary depending on the situation. It's just a very broad place to start and get a general idea. 

Please don't have that meter be your status in court.

1 comment:

  1. Court for royalfeather036:

    Case one: Arcticpenguinii
    Royal lied to me and told me he was my friend, but was just pretending to get 'popular'. After I found, he's just been bullying me (minus three points)

    Case two: frostd362
    Bullied him about a personal issue, and made him feel worthless. Attempted scam, but frost was smart enough to avoid it (minus four points)

    Case three: hnylovely
    Constant teasing (in a mean way). Same as frost. (minus four points)

    Case four: penguin55544
    Insulted and teased. I can't go into depth for this one (minus two points)

    Case five: Carrot04
    MAJOR insults about her nationality and very mean (minus six points)

    Case six: arcticpenguin662
    My younger brother, who was name-called and irritated (minus four points)



No impersonating, respect others' opinions, don't be mean, don't swear or comment other non-kid-friendly things, and don't spam. Last but not least, don't be a reason for me to add more things to the list, okay?