"I think trusting is the most obvious form, because what's the point of sending someone an item to have them send it back. It's pointless." -ArcticpenguinII "I would say that the 'trade me I always say no' scam is the stupidest, because why would you bother trading if the person is just going to say no to your trade?" -ShadowclawXX

Nature Tribe

Congratulations! You made it into the Nature Tribe! Chances are, you love one of the two: Plants or animals. Maybe even both! Your tribe hut is like a big greenhouse, stacked top to bottom with moss, ivy, lichen, bushes, daises, magnolias, lilacs, spare flowerpots, books on how to garden, etc. You have a very large fenced backyard with animal cages and habitats, along with gardening space as well. People in this tribe have a soft spot for the wilderness, and tend to get along very well with their other nature fanatics.

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