"I think trusting is the most obvious form, because what's the point of sending someone an item to have them send it back. It's pointless." -ArcticpenguinII "I would say that the 'trade me I always say no' scam is the stupidest, because why would you bother trading if the person is just going to say no to your trade?" -ShadowclawXX

Luxury Tribe

Congratulations! You made it into the Luxury Tribe! This tribe has a lot of really cool things for relaxation and fiddling around with. You want a viola? You can have it! Want a laptop? You can have it! Despite the name of the tribe screaming "spoiled," most of you are actually thankful and respectful. A lot of you are also good inventors and creative thinkers, which is why you guys always have the latest technology. The one thing to worry about is that some people in the Luxury Tribe may be subject to demanding too much respect from others.

Emblem: (Picture)
Leader: None
Guardian Shaman: Graham the Monkey
Motto:  "Fiddling with new technology is the best way to explore new possibilities."
Known For: Inventing all kinds of new technology; Wealth
Member Count: 0

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